We deliver the highest quality systems from global device manufacturers

Security is predictable, which is why we create our systems based on proven and certified products. This gives us the confidence that they will work whenever and wherever they are needed most.


Firetrace Direct Release Systems

How it works

In a direct release system, the suppressant will come through the hole in the tube directly. During a fire, the portion of the tube nearest the point where the most heat is detected ruptures, forming a spray nozzle.

The pressure decreases as the tubing releases fire suppression chemical from the cylinder through the spray nozzle (burst hole) to effectively suppress the fire.

A direct release system can be installed to protect multiple enclosures using a single cylinder by routing additional tubing to each enclosed space.

Common applications

Direct release systems are recommended for electrical panel and server rack protection.

Key benefits

The direct release system works well for protection of electrical hazards, because it does not rely on any metal components installed within an electrical enclosure. Metal components, like nozzles, can cause electrical arc faults, which actually increase your fire risk. Because direct release systems rely entirely on the tubing, a plastic material, fire risk is reduced.


Firetrace Indirect Release Systems

How it works

An indirect release is when the tube acts as a detection device and, through the pressure change, tells the system to discharge the agent through other pipes and nozzles.

Once the tubing detects the fire, it ruptures, resulting in a drop of pressure causing the indirect valve to activate. The valve diverts flow from the detection tube to the larger outlet ports.

When the fire suppression system kicks in, a suppressing agent is discharged from the cylinder through the diffuser nozzles, flooding the area while effectively suppressing the fire quickly and thoroughly.

An indirect release system is typically used in larger areas that require a high volume of extinguishing agents to suppress the fire effectively.

Common applications

Indirect release systems are commonly used for vehicles and in CNC machines.

Key benefits

Firetrace Indirect Release Systems have been independently tested and evaluated by the leading product performance testing agencies. They are UL Listed and FM Approved. Third party testing ensures that products consistently perform as expected and can tolerate environmental challenges like temperature change. Local and national fire codes, including those published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) often recommend UL or FM approved systems.

Both direct and indirect systems are available in low- and high-pressure functionality for areas of any size. A fire suppression specialist will determine which system is right for your application.


Extinguishing system with SIEX-NC ™ 1230

SIEX-NC™ 1230 stands out for its outstanding suppression power by ensuring efficient liquid agent distribution throughout the protected hazard. The equipment is optimized to work with the SIEX-NC™ (FK 5-1-12) clean agent. Known as “liquid that doesn’t wet”, this extinguishing agent far exceeds the benefits of water since it does not damage equipment and evaporates easily.

It works by total flooding, extinguishing the fire in a few seconds. It is suitable for class A, B and C hazards. It is designed to protect delicate and important hazards such as data processing and telecommunication centers, banks, museums and libraries, where water would not be viable.

New extinguishing technology

Our extinguishing system is fully aligned to the special characteristics of the agent, providing the most reliable and cost-effective systems. This system is pressurized with dry nitrogen, providing different pressures depending on the hazard’s requirements. All these systems have internationally renowned VdS approvals.

SIEX has specific software for the system to ensure its effectiveness. Our design team also offers advice for each project, always providing the solution that best suits each need. SIEX-NC™ 1230 meets ISO 14520, UNE 15004 and NFPA 2001 standards, on which these system calculation requirements are based.

Product Data

  • Designed for the most serious threats, including electrical
  • No damage to equipment
  • It is not harmful to one´s health
  • High safety margin (4.2%)
  • Rapid evaporation
  • Zero damage to the ozone layer

About the extinguishing agent

SIEX-NC™ 1230 is an extinguishing agent similar to water in appearance, but with much more effective extinguishing properties, including the fact that it does not wet the materials it comes into contact with.

The discharge contains a colorless, nearly odorless, non-conductive and fast-evaporating liquid.

It has the lowest level of design concentration and a higher safety margin than the Halon 1301.

Its ozone depletion potential is zero. It extinguishes the fire thanks to a cooling effect, reducing the flame’s thermal power and interrupting the combustion reaction. It guarantees flooding of the room due to its low vaporization temperature.



SIEX-HC™ 227 S-FLOW was developed and manufactured by SIEX as an enhancement to traditional halocarbon gas systems, optimizing its features to meet the most demanding expectations. The development of the new S-FLOW valve means that a wider range of pressures can be used. In addition to the usual 25 and 42 bar at which the gas is commonly discharged, this new technology allows working pressures of 32, 34, 50, 55 even 60 bar.

This allows greater application flexibility and significantly expands the hydraulic calculation options. With this new system it is possible to protect hazards further away from the storage cylinders, while maintaining the same discharge characteristics. Other brands would be forced to use other agents, significantly limiting the protection options. Likewise, the gas storage space is optimized. At higher pressures, the amount of agent can be increased without increasing the storage volume. It also allows for larger volumes or larger rooms to be protected without increasing the space taken up by the installation, nor increasing the associated cost.

These benefits are possible because SIEX has the widest range of components (valves, actuators, fill monitoring systems, etc.) which helps optimize the hardware design. As with traditional systems, the new system allows selector valves to be used, with fewer restrictions, for the simultaneous protection of several hazards. All of this results in significant benefits when choosing the most suitable protection equipment for the hazard in question. Both the components and the system as a whole have VdS, FM and UL approvals.

Product Data

  • Greater number of working pressures
  • Components made to withstand higher pressures
  • Increased piping distance for the protection of the hazards located far away.
  • Increased storage capacity
  • Suitable for occupied areas
  • Wide range of cylinder capacities
  • Ideal for using selector valves
  • Minimal installation space
  • Specific hydraulic calculation software

About the extinguishing agent

It uses DuPont FM-200® extinguishing agent. This agent does not react with moisture or other agents, so no toxic or reactive products are generated which might damage the protected property or equipment in case of discharge. Furthermore, it is the most suitable gas for occupied areas.


museums and art galleries

telecommunication systems


petrochemical facilities

computer rooms

laboratories and clean rooms

electrical cabinets and substations

Data Processing Centres (DPCs)

archives and libraries

offshore platforms


CO₂ systems

CO₂ is most likely the gaseous extinguishing agent that has the greatest number of installations worldwide. Its accumulated experience facilitates the engineering of a huge number of applications which have become standard, such as electrical generators, transformer stations, etc.

Its low cost and worldwide availability make CO₂ the leading product in many applications, including the marine sector. Full scale tests can be carried out, refilling is immediate and inexpensive. Its versatility makes it suitable for use in total flooding applications and for local application, including fixed hose stations.

This system is unique. It is different from other fixed gaseous agent systems because it allows local application. It is very useful when it comes to protecting larger rooms, rooms with openings and rooms containing personnel. The discharge is designed to be applied directly over the hazard being protected. The nozzles are installed directly over the equipment.

The amount of agent is calculated according to the size of the hazard. Its extinguishing mechanisms are due to the reduction of the oxygen concentration to below 15% and the cooling and absorption of the heat from the flame. This agent is intended for normally unoccupied areas. Certain precautions must be taken when it is used in normally occupied areas.


The projects comply with ISO 6183, NFPA12, 4007 CEPREVEN and CEA standards. All these standards provide us with a guide on how to define and calculate the unique properties for each protection. We focus carefully on the CO₂ seepage that may occur through openings in the room, calculating any additional amount of gas that may needed to the system.

Product Data

  • Harmless to the ozone layer
  • Electrically non-conductive
  • Available worldwide
  • Low cost
  • Clean, leaves no residue
  • Versatile, local application and total flooding
  • VdS, UL & FM approvals


printing presses

spray booths

solar thermal plants (HTF boilers)



electric generators

power generators

storage of flammable liquids



Inert agent systems

INERT-SIEX™ clean agent systems are made up of gases found in the atmosphere and are therefore completely environmentally friendly. They work by completely flooding the room, reducing the oxygen content necessary for combustion, but at the same time ensuring adequate oxygen concentrations for use in occupied areas.

They can work at pressures up to 300 bar (4350psi), providing savings in the installation cost. We also have 200 bar (2900psi) systems, depending on the volume / concentration needs. Thanks to the use of calibrated restrictors which reduce the pressure, conventional schedule pipes can be used. This system is specifically designed for installations with longer distance pipe runs.

As is the case with our SIEX HC systems, INERT-SIEX™ systems use the full range of extinguishing agents. This makes it easier to fully adjust the design to the needs of our customers. The cylinders may contain: Argon (IG-01), 50% Argon and 50% Nitrogen (IG-55), Nitrogen (IG-100) and 52% Nitrogen + 40% Argon + 8% CO₂ (IG-541). The different characteristics of the areas to be protected are analyzed in detail by our technicians to advise you on the most suitable type of extinguishing system and agent.

Product Data

  • Zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and greenhouse effect.
  • Allows for longer pipe runs.
  • Suitable for occupied areas.
  • Excellent post-discharge visibility.
  • Very low refill cost.
  • Easy to obtain anywhere in the world.
  • Cost savings using selector valves.


  •  ISO 14520 UNE -EN
  • 15004 NFPA 2001
  • CEA 4000 (CEPREVEN)
  • Certification FM / UL / VdS

Silencers for Data Centres

Data centres include increasingly sensitive devices, especially to noise. High frequencies combined with sound pressures of over 110dB may affect the operation of their hard drives and cause permanent damage. It is essential that the fire protection system avoids damage not caused by the fire, but generated collaterally by the noise of the discharge.

SIEX SALC silencers reduce noise to below 90 dB in the most adverse case, far below the 120 dB of a free discharge and the 100 dB available on the market. It also allows for installation both in new projects and existing. They offer maximum benefits in use with inert gases (60 second discharges) and are compatible both with falling pressure technology (with restrictor) and with the new Constant Flow Technology (flow rate control in the DR valve).


computer rooms, control rooms

electrical panels, telephone switchboard equipment

electric and electronic applications

false floors and false ceilings

archives, museums and libraries


Fire alarm system

Functions of the fire alarm system

Fire alarmsystems are designed and installed according to individual needs and requirements of a particular object. Therefore, the scope of their operation, as well as the extent of both structural and functional can vary greatly. However, the main task of fire alarm systems is to automatically alert a person in the building, the manager or the fire department about a detected fire, which appeared in the building. Acoustic, or acoustic-optical alarm allows the appropriate services and personnel to react to the threat, while people in the building can start evacuation at an early stage of the fire.

Integration of fire alarm system with other fire protection systems

The fire alarm system can be integrated with other fire protection systems. Integration then allows for a wider fire alarmsystem response, which is not limited to alerting when a fire is detected, but starts actions aimed at limiting the spread of fire, or its complete liquidation. The fire alarm system control panel, after receiving a signal from detectors detecting smoke, or increased temperature, can perform a number of operations, such as running a system of sprinklers or fixed fire extinguishing devices at the place of fire detection, it can also open smoke flaps as well as windows and aeration gates. Other reactions of the system can be initiating the shutdown of dangerous electrical and gas devices, opening escape doors or access control gates, as well as a number of other actions to improve evacuation and directly combat the threat.

Fire alarm system components

The heart of every fire alarm system is the headquarters. It receives signals from the detectors, analyzes the data and transmits them to the subsequent components of the entire system. The control panel usually has a display that allows it to be operated by personnel. The other components of the fire alarmsystem are:

  • Smoke detectors, temperatures detect the danger and transmit this information to the control panel,
  • Sound and optical alarms alert you to the event,
  • Manual call points allow you to manually switch on the fire alarmsystem after noticing a fire.

Where is it necessary to install Fire alarm system?

The legislator determines the objects in which the installation of fire alarmsystem is mandatory. They include both public and private objects. These are mainly large commercial and public utility objects intended for temporary and permanent stay of people. There are, among others:

theaters (over 300 seats) and cinemas (over 600 seats)

single-storey commercial and exhibition buildings with a total area of over 5000 m2

multi-storey retail and exhibition facilities with a total area of over 2500 m2

accommodation facilities with over 50 beds

multi-storey underground garages

underground garages with a fire zone over 1500 m2

sports and entertainment halls with over 1500 seats

indicated archives, museums and monuments

subway stations

hospitals and sanatoriums with over 200 seats

High and high-rise public buildings

The list of objects obliged to be equipped in the fire alarmsystem can be found in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location.

About Fire Alarm- advantages of the system

Protect lives – secure values

Developed with people in mind

Safety is a valuable asset. We have made it our duty to develop systems and solutions for people to increase their safety, thereby making the world a safer place. Our products represent the highest level of technology, are easy to operate and help build confidence.

Highest level of reliability thanks to full redundancy

It is the fire alarm control panel’s job to detect a fire at the earliest possible point in time and to alert the action forces. However, this is not possible, when a single fault is sufficient to prevent it from functioning properly.

Redundancy of hardware, software, power supply and line routing guarantees highest availability and absolute fail safety. All functions, displays and controls remain fully functional even in the event of a fault.

Proven know how and IP technology are standard

All Integral IP control panels are equipped with an IP interface, thus supporting the Internet protocol. The control panels can also be monitored via remote access by intelligent software applications using a PC, smartphone or tablet device.

Intuitive, simple operation

The operating panel is the same in all Integral IP control panels: Clear arrangement of keys and logical workflows ensure the overview required, key labelling and display texts are available in more than 20 languages.

Flexible interfaces

Integral IP control panels are equipped with various interfaces and standardized protocols, such as BACnet, OPC, ESPA or Modbus and are compatible with systems of other sectors, such as building management.

Reassuring investment security

A high degree of forward and backward compatibility of products is particularly important to us. Step-by-step modernization of older fire alarm systems can be carried out in a simple and flexible fashion, and therefore always is an investment in the future.

Easy programming and planning

All Integral IP control panels are simply and clearly programmed and designed with only one software tool. Logical connections of inputs with controls can be executed in a highly flexible way – even across loops and several control panels.

Made in Austria & Germany

We place great importance on high quality products. Our technologically valuable fire alarm systems are therefore developed and manufactured in Austria and in Germany and are in use around the globe.


VESDA – Aspirating Smoke Detection System

Xtralis is a world leader and pioneer in the field of fire safety, and its VESDA aspirating smoke detection system is the undisputed No. 1 brand in the world.

VESDA systems protect millions of investments worldwide, the functioning and security of which is ensured by our system.

Fire protection is mainly the protection of human life. Investment security in terms of the continuity of operation of a Data Center facility, detection of large spaces, protection of high storage warehouses, protection in difficult weather conditions are tasks that should be entrusted to the best system.

With today’s technological development, it is not possible to effectively protect the server room without the use of an aspirating system.

What is VESDA?

The VESDA Aspirating Smoke Detection System is a combination of a highly sensitive smoke detection system and a modular design of devices. The laser analytical chamber of the VESDA system is characterized by very high sensitivity and thanks to the ability to detect trace amounts of smoke, it is able to provide the earliest possible warning of a fire hazard. The modular design of the VESDA system gives the user the flexibility to build a system precisely tailored to his requirements, while reducing costs to a minimum by eliminating unnecessary equipment. The original design of the system also guarantees low maintenance costs.

VESDA is an active smoke detection system that continuously draws air from a fire zone for analysis in order to detect the presence of smoke. The air is sucked in by an integrated suction pump, thanks to which the system is not dependent on the presence of air currents in the vicinity of the detector, which can deliver smoke particles to it. This ensures the effective operation of the VESDA system in all conditions – from very intensive air exchange to the lack of it.

The driving element of this process is a suction pump that sucks air through a network of suction tubes (main and capillary) connected to the manifold inlet manifold. The tubes have suction openings through which air is sucked in. An important element of each detector is a filter with a two-chamber design, which stops even the smallest mechanical particles contained in the sucked air, thus contributing to the optimal protection of the head against damage.

Which VESDA detector?

The VESDA system is available in three series: VESDA Standard , VESDA Premium , VESDA Industrial .

VESDA detectors are available in various versions to provide functionality in many facilities, industries and applications. From small to very large open spaces and from the cleanest to the dirtiest working environments. The VESDA system provides reliable detection at multiple levels with varying levels of sensitivity.

Coverage area 2,000 m 2 2,000 m 2 6 500 m 2
Sensitivity threshold Fire 1 0.015% / m 0.01% / m 0.001% / m
Maximum pipe length 400 560 800
A / B / C holes 60/60/100 40/80/100 80/80/100


VESDA detectors provide protection in many industries with various applications:

Server rooms


Power engineering

Industrial factories


Accommodation (hotels, shops, offices)

Penal establishments

Sterile rooms

Frosty, cold stores

Hospitals, clinics

Sea objects

Nuclear facilities

Gas stations

The VESDA system is a modular structure. Each system can be equipped with VESDA ECO modules detecting the entire range of gases. These modules give the possibility of extending the operation of VESDA devices, giving an integrated system of smoke, gas and environmental monitoring. VESDA ECO detectors use the existing VESDA pipe network.

Firetrace Direct Release SystemsFiretrace Indirect Release SystemsExtinguishing system with SIEX-NC ™ 1230SIEX-HC™ 227 S-FLOWCO₂ systemsInert agent systemsFire alarm systemVESDA – Aspirating Smoke Detection System